Feeling unwell
Sometimes a child will complain of feeling sick without really letting you know what the problem is. If your child looks less animated or agitated than usual, you might also have reason to worry about their health. If this occurs, looking for particular symptoms or illnesses as listed in the questionnaire above may help you identify a potential cause for the issue.
Kids under two
When your newborn or small child is ill, you can typically tell right away because they may seem irritable or cry nonstop, and their cries may not sound like the normal, healthy yell you are used to. Nevertheless, since a newborn is unable to communicate their emotions to you, it can be challenging to identify the root of the issue. Moreover, disease tends to progress considerably more quickly in young children than it does in older kids or adults. And therefore, if your newborn or toddler appears generally ill for no apparent cause, it is typically preferable to visit a doctor. If your baby exhibits any of the following symptoms, you should call your doctor right away.
- Unresponsiveness or abnormal sleepiness
- More than 30 °C (102 °F)
- Repeated vomiting
- More than 24 hours of diarrhea
- Unusually quick breathing
- Breathing loudly
- Refusing to drink
- Rash
Bacteria or viruses are two types of microbes that can cause childhood infections, and both these germs and the illnesses they cause have significant differences from one another.
Bacteria are small enough to be visible under a microscope, grow in bodily fluids, and are killed by antibiotics. The same bacterium can infect a kid again.
Viruses multiply inside the bodily cells and are much smaller than bacteria. They are resistant to common antibiotics and cannot be seen under a microscope. Since a particular virus typically only causes one attack, children often only contract the mumps or chicken pox once in their lifetime.
A doctor must determine whether a viral or bacterial illness is more likely to be the source of a sick child’s condition. If a virus is suspected to be the cause, treatment aims to reduce symptoms like pain and fever. Your doctor may suggest antibiotics if a bacterial infection appears.