A fever (above-normal body temperature) is typically brought on by a virus or bacterial infection. A youngster, however, can also get feverish if they are allowed to overheat, such as when they play outside for too long in the hot sun. A youngster who has a high temperature will feel hot on the forehead, sweat more, and feel generally uncomfortable. Take your child’s temperature as directed below if you suspect a fever. If the temperature is 38°C (100°F) or higher, consult the questionnaire above.
Checking the temperature of your child
Using a clinical thermometer to take someone’s temperature is the best approach to find out if they are feverish. The thermometer should be positioned under the arm for youngsters younger than 7 years old. Children who are older can have their temperature taken orally.
Taking your temperature orally
- Firmly flick your wrist downward while shaking the thermometer to ensure that the mercury enters the bulb and reads much below the typical level.
- Insert the thermometer’s bulb under the tongue in your child’s mouth. Give it three minutes to sit there.
- Take the thermometer out and turn it until the reading is clear.
If your child’s temperature is 38 °C (100 °F) or above, you can use this method to determine whether or not they have a fever. Call your doctor if your child’s temperature exceeds 39°C (102°F), regardless of the suspected reason.
A febrile seizure
When their temperature goes too high, some young children (under 5) experience seizures (also known as febrile convulsions). The child may turn blue in the face and their limbs and legs will shake wildly during one of these seizures. This could go on for a few seconds or much longer.
Things to do
Child should be laid flat on stomach with head turned to the side. If vomiting occurs, use your finger to clear the mouth.
Immediately seek medical attention. Try to bring down your child’s temperature while you wait for assistance but avoid attempting to feed them anything by mouth. Your doctor might want to set up tests even if your child makes a speedy recovery to rule out any underlying issues.